This website is a digital appendix to the book Direct Speech in Nonnus’ Dionysiaca. Narrative and Rhetorical Functions of the Characters’ “varied” and “many-faceted” words (2016, Brill). In the tables on this website, you can find basic data on all instances of direct speech in the five major Greek epic poems: Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey, Apollonius’ Argonautica, Quintus’ Posthomerica and Nonnus’ Dionysiaca. Although some of functionalities of my private (excel-based) database cannot be maintained in this online format, I strongly believe that even as it is presented now it can still be a useful tool for colleagues working on Greek epic poetry. The tables are responsive in the sense that the information can be both searched (+/- filtered) and sorted.
The menu allows to navigate between the five poems and between speeches on the primary level of the narration (quoted by the narrator) and speeches on a secondary or tertiary level (reported speech, speech in speech). For definitions of certain categories and labels I have added a small glossary, which should enable anyone to use this website without having to dig immediately into the book for answers.
As this website is still work in progress, I certainly welcome all feedback (comments, corrections, questions, …).
Berenice Verhelst
(Ghent University/FWO Flanders)